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LONG gone are the days when music could be enjoyed simply for being a nice little tune. Now there are things far more important than whether you actually like the song.

For one, you must consider whether the band or artist you are listening to is currently fashionable. After all, you wouldn't want to look out of touch.

And perhaps even more importantly, you need to make sure your favorite music doesn't mark you out as "dumb".

One website has sparked debate by linking various popular music acts with the intelligenceof their fans. The site, titled Music That Makes You Dumb (http://musicthatmakesyoudumb.virgil.gr/), used Facebook to compare the music most commonly mentioned on profiles to the average SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test and Scholastic Assessment Test) scores of different colleges.

American folk singer Sufjan Stevens and British band Radiohead came out among the acts listened to by the most intelligent people.

At the other end of the scale, the music that really "makes you dumb" included US rapper Lil Wayne and R&B singer Beyonce.

A funnier side

The results have already stirred much debate. One writer in the Guardian disagreed with the survey. "The two thickest music journalists I have ever met were huge fans of Radiohead," he said. Another comment in the New Yorker said: "What this proves, of course, is next to nothing."

But what it has done is cause heated arguments by people either defending or attacking the website and their favorite acts. Of course to describe someone's music taste as dumb is a surefire way of insulting them.

Others, however, see the funnier side. Virgil Griffith, who founded the site, isn't taking his survey too seriously. "[My SAT score is] actually fairly low. I'm a little embarrassed by it. I like Tool a lot, and I see Tool is one of the dumber ones on there. That's pretty charming," he told the Wall Street Journal.

What your music says about your intelligence

Super intelligent

Beethoven – The German composer came top of the survey. Classical music is often associated with intelligence.

Quite intelligent

U2 – The Irish rock band are the choice for people of moderate intelligence, who can enjoy politically charged anthems like Sunday, Bloody Sunday.


Coldplay – For people straight down the middle, have a listen to indie band Coldplay. Strictly for those not looking for anything out of the ordinary.

A little dumb

Kayne West – Never top of the class at school? Teased by your friends for not being the sharpest tool in the shed? This Chicago rapper should be right up your street.

Very dumb

Lil Wayne – The US rapper comes bottom of the survey for intelligence, but still sells millions of records around the world. What does this say about people?


alcoholic酗酒者, 酒鬼


camaraderie同志之爱, 友情

contemplative沉好沉思的, 深思熟虑的


dumb愚笨的; 迟钝得让人恼火的


intelligent聪明的, 伶俐的




sparingly 节俭地, 保守地



surefire准不会有错的, 一定能达到目的的


who-knows-where 失踪的




linger on


The deliciousness of the exotic dish still lingers on in his memory.



Amy does next-to-nothing for her job, but still earns a lot of money.


sharpest tool in the shed


If you don't know the capital of China, you're not the sharpest tool in the shed.
