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Liu Kai and Yu Min, from Harbin Institute of Technology's Weihai campus in Shandong Province, are starting to think that a major in biotechnology wasn't the way to go.

After several days of job-hunting in Beijing, they are no closer to jobs in their field. Despite their good exam performances, they find that what they lack is a competitive edge.

'My uncle once urged me to choose mechanical engineering or auto engineering as my major,' Yu said. 'I chose biotechnology out of my interest in biology class in high school. However, the deeper I go in this area, the more I realize it doesn't suit me well, and now it's too late to change.'

Students in China need to pick a major before enrolling in college and there is little flexibility for a change. At least for the early years of their working life, the diploma and the major are their only bargaining chips in the market for talent. This year, thanks to the Chinese government's infrastructure-focused stimulus plan, a mechanical-engineering major looks extra attractive.

Trying to shift gears from his major, Yu spent much of his fourth year in college preparing for the entrance exam for a human-resources graduate degree at Renmin University. Failing the exam, he is now looking for a job in sales, which he thinks better suits his personality. On the resume he hands out at the job fairs he highlights two internships as sales promoter at two Shandong companies rather than his biotechnology major. He does get a chance for an interview for a sales position with a home-decorating material supplier, but his mother tells him it pays too little.
于敏试图改变专业方向,于是,大学四年级他将很多时间花在准备中国人民大学(Renmin University)人力资源专业研究生入学考试上面。但考试没能通过,于敏现在开始寻找销售方面的职位,他觉得这样的工作适合他的性格。在人才招聘会上递出的简历上,他突出强调的是自己实习期间在山东两家企业担任促销员的经历,而不是生物技术专业的背景。他倒是得到过一家家居装饰材料公司销售职位的面试机会,但他妈妈认为,这个公司给的工资太低。

Liu, who has loved biotechnology since high school, is finding out that companies in this field are only offering sales position to fresh graduates, positions that, ironically, don't require a college diploma. After a brief talk with a pharmaceutical firm selling health products for the elderly, Liu is rejected as 'over-qualified.'

'I don't want to end up with a job that is totally irrelevant to what I have been studying so hard over the past four years in college,' said Liu, who still hopes to find a job related to his major.

After attending seven job fairs in Beijing, he hands in only two resumes, for positions as quality-control inspector at two pharmaceutical companies. He is not hopeful.

Of Liu's 27 classmates, three have gotten into graduate schools. Of the others, only one has so far secured a job — as a sales person for an elevator company.