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Like all children, Perry Cunningham, age 4, wants friends. But until recently, he lacked the social skills to reach out to other kids.
与所有孩子一样,4岁的佩里.坎宁安(Perry Cunningham)也想交朋友。但是一直到最近,他还缺乏与其他孩子进行接触的社交技巧。

When Perry tried to make a friend at his New Haven, Conn., preschool this year, he mimicked a move he had seen his 15-year-old brother make with his buddies -- he gave another, much bigger child a playful shove. The big guy's response: A punch in the face, leaving Perry with a bloody nose.

In many classrooms, Perry might simply have been regarded as a troublemaker. But Barbara Giangreco, a mental-health therapist who works in child-care centers and preschools, understood that he was just trying to be friendly, and worked with his mother and teacher on helping him use words to reach out to other kids. All the adults involved agree that Perry's social skills have improved significantly. He is making friends, and while he still has conflicts with other kids sometimes, he knows how to apologize and make peace.
在很多课堂上,佩里可能都被认为是个捣蛋鬼。不过,在育儿中心和学龄前学校工作的心理健康理疗专家芭芭拉.奇安格列柯(Barbara Giangreco)认为佩里只是想表示友好,她与佩里的母亲和老师一起帮助他运用语言与其他孩子进行接触。所有参与的大人都同意佩里的社交技巧已经得到了明显的改善。佩里开始交上朋友,虽然他有时仍会与其他小朋友发生冲突,但是他知道如何道歉讲和。

The idea of assigning mental-health workers to child-care centers and preschools is jarring; I was skeptical when I first heard the idea. Children so small shouldn't need mental-health help, it seems, and having therapists or counselors working in classrooms seems to risk stigmatizing them with labels, or simply interfering with the innocence of childhood.

However, a growing body of research shows that the programs are benefiting entire classrooms of children by reducing behavior problems and supporting overburdened teachers. The specialists' purpose isn't to diagnose or treat mental illness in individual children. Instead, they provide targeted, expert help to teachers, and sometimes to parents, on ways to interact with children and reorganize classrooms that improve behavior and the emotional climate. In the process, many researchers believe, the specialists may be helping prevent bigger social problems in kids in the future, such as delinquency.