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购物换手率上升 变化成看点



印第安纳州埃尔克哈特市的协和广场(Concord Mall)有一处面积约4900平方英尺的商铺,起初租给了KB Toy玩具公司,但自从四年前玩具店撤出之后就一直处于空铺状态。如今新起点福音教会(Fresh Start Church)搬了进来,而隔壁就是Jo-Ann Fabric专卖店。新起点教会在铺内设置了150人的座位,其经常更换的橱窗展示无疑已经成为了购物中心一景。

A freeze in consumer spending, abysmal same-store sales, and a swath of retail bankruptcies have taken a serious toll on your local mall.

Nationwide, mall vacancy rates hover at 8.4%, their highest level since commercial real estate research firm REIS started collecting the data almost a decade ago. To keep their storefronts full, mall operators are starting to get creative when it comes to their definition of a tenant.
At Concord Mall in Elkhart, Ind., a 4,900-square-foot space formerly occupied by KB Toys sat basically vacant for more than four years until the evangelical Fresh Start Church moved in. Located right next to Jo-Ann fabrics, the church has seating for 150 and is known for its frequently changing window displays.

The mall's retailers might not see a noticeable increase in sales since the church moved in, but mall manager Robert Thatcher and Fresh Start's Pastor Rick Harris (a.k.a. the "Mall Pastor") say the food court's business is up; members of the congregation tend to grab a bite on Sundays after church lets out.
In Nashville, Tenn., One Hundred Oaks Mall welcomed a new kind of tenant in February: the Vanderbilt Medical Center, a sprawling facility that, at 436,000 square feet, takes up almost half the mall.
When owner Tony Ruggeri and a partner bought the space in 2006 the mall faced a dire 55% vacancy rate with a second floor that was virtually dead. Now the health care facility, which had its main opening in February, brings in almost 1,000 employees and just as many patients every day.
And when Crestwood Court in St. Louis lost Macy's (M, Fortune 500) earlier this year, rather than try to find another anchor tenant it did the same thing it did when Dillard's (DDS, Fortune 500) vacated two years ago: it turned the empty space in its wing into an artists' colony until it can renovate. Local artists can rent these empty storefronts -- turning them into a dance studio and theater, for instance -- at a seriously discounted rate.
Crestwood mall operator Jones Lang LaSalle says business at restaurants picks up when the theater is putting on a show, and stores like Children's Place (PLCE) see more traffic from parents when their kids are in dance lessons.
All told, at least 63 churches, 244 medical facilities, and 172 schools moved into retail space in the second quarter of 2009 alone, according to CoStar Group.