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1. Don’t talk negatively about people behind their backs. If you gossip, people won’t confide in you. Mind your own business.

2. Try to work for someone who’ll challenge your powers.You’ll learn more in a year than 4 years of college.
2. 尝试为那些会对你的个人能力形成挑战的人工作。你会在一年的时间里学习到比大学四年还多的东西。

3. Successful bosses have good communication skills. They learn from people, including their employees.
3. 成功的领导都具有良好的沟通技巧。他会从别人身上学习,包括他自己的员工。

4. Work in such a way that makes your boss look good. It’s not flattery.
4. 工作的时候尽可能使用会让你的上司感觉舒服的方式。这不是奉承。

5. On downsizing, the first to go are those with few friends. Bosses prefer competent people whom they respect.
5. 裁员的时候,最先离开的就是那些没什么朋友的人。老板们喜欢并尊重那些有能力的人。

6. Dress for the job you want, not the one you have. Let your dress reflect professionalism.
6. 穿衣标准不是你现在做的工作,而要向你想从事的工作看齐。让你的衣着展现你的专业感。

7. Workout to get in good physical shape. Unless exceptionally skilled, the unhealthy are at a comparative disadvantage.
7. 经常健身来保持良好的体型。除非是那些极具经验的员工,一般来说,不健康的人都处于一种相对不利的状态。

8. Personal integrity is crucial. Tell nothing but the truth. Bosses can forgive mistakes but if you lie, you’re gone.
8. 个人诚信是至关重要的。只说实话。上司可以原谅你的错误,但是如果你说谎,你就完了。