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Easter is the oldest one of the most significant Christian holidays. It celebrates the resurrection of Jesus, Christians around the world celebrate every year. Easter symbolizes rebirth and hope. The vernalequinoxis the time to the first Sunday after the full moon. Easter is the Christian holiday commemorating the resurrectionof Jesus. Legend was crucifixionof Jesus, after the third day of the revival of heaven. The annual celebration of Easter in the church means that the vernal equinox is the first Sunday after the full moon, if the full moon happens to be the day Sunday. Easter week is postponed. Easter may result in the March 22 to April 25 between any day.


Arbor Day is sponsored by the United States Nebraska. 19 centuries ago, Nebraska was awash What is the wilderness, where trees are scarce land dry, windy together Lotus yellow sand, the people suffer a lot. 1872. Slovakia famous agronomistJulius Sterling Morton proposed regulations included Nebraska Arbor Day. afforestation plan to mobilize people. At that time, the State Bureau of Agriculture passed a resolution adopted this proposal. provided by the governor himself next Wednesday for the third annual Arbor Day in April. After making this decision, which resulted in millions of planting trees. After 16 years, they have, planting 600 million trees. eventually Nebraska 100,000 hectares of wilderness into a dense forest. To commend Morton achievements, 1885 Mohr leading to the formal state's birthday on April 22 as the annual Arbor Day. and the holiday. Today, the United States, the trip trees, are lined Road. According to statistics. The United States one-third of the area covered by forest trees. Alarming scale with the Green Tree Festival are inseparable.

植树节是由美国内布拉斯加州发起的。19世纪以前,内布拉斯加州是一片光秃秃的荒原,那里树木稀少,土地干燥,大风一起,满天黄沙,人民深受其苦。1872年,美国著名农学家朱利叶斯·斯特林·莫尔顿提议在内布拉斯加州规定植树节,动员人民有计划地植树造林。当时州农业局通过决议采纳了这一提议,并由州长亲自规定今后每年4月份的第三个星期三为植树节。这一决定做出后,当年就植树上百万棵。此后的16年间,又先后植树6亿棵,终于使内布拉斯加州10万公顷的荒野变成了茂密的森林。为了表彰莫尔顿的功绩,1885年州议会正式规定以莫尔领先生的生日4 月22日为每年的植树节,并放假一天。

Mother's Day originated in a modern sense, the United States, by AmanmJarvis (1864-1948) initiated by her unmarried life. always accompany her mother around. His mother died in 1905, Amanm distraught. Two years later (1907), Amanm and her friends began a letter to influential ministers, businessmen, - to seek support, so Mother's Day as a statutoryholiday. Amanm that children often ignore the feelings of the mother. She hoped Mother's Day to make people think more families have to pay for all the mothers. The first Mother's Day on May 10, 1908 in West Virginia and Pennsylvania, During the festival, dedicated to mothers Carnation selected flowers and thus the passage of time. 1913, the United States Congress passed a bill, the second Sunday in May each year as Mother's Day statutory. Since then spread to the Mother's Day!
