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The findings, psychologists say, reflect the importance of being free to choose the work you do and how you do it, the way you manage your time, and the way you respond to adversity. Regardless of occupational field, the survey suggests that seeking out enjoyable work and finding a way to do it on your own terms, with some control over both the process and the outcome, is likely for most people to fuel satisfaction and contentment.

盖洛普公司主任编辑弗兰克·纽波特(Frank Newport)说,即便现在正在经历经济衰退,自己当老板还是有好处的。美国国家职业安全卫生研究所(NIOSH)主任约翰·霍华德(John Howard)也表示,这再次证实了我一贯的观点,即你对自己工作的控制感越强,你就越快乐。
'Despite the recession, it still pays to be your own boss,' says Frank Newport, editor in chief of the Gallup Poll. The survey, adds John Howard, director of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, 'reaffirms my view that the more control you have over your work, the happier you are.'

At the bottom of the heap, transportation and manufacturing workers scored lowest on well-being. These occupations tend to foster conditions Niosh has identified as contributors to unhealthy stress: lack of control or participation in decision-making, conflicting or unclear job expectations, and hectic tasks with little inherent meaning.

Management and executive jobs have gotten tougher, too, during the period the Gallup-Healthways data were gathered, the first eight months of this year. Beset by cost cuts and layoffs, corporate bosses at all levels now share more of these stress-inducing conditions.

而企业主的情况则和他们完全相反。工业心理学家、马利兰大学史密斯商学院领导与激励学名誉教授爱德温·洛克(Edwin Locke)说,即便是在困难时期企业主也可以自己进行思考,而且没有人跑过来说你做错了;你能自主决策,如果你错了,现实会给你反馈。
Business owners stand in stark contrast. Even in tough times, 'you do your own thinking and no one can tell you you're wrong,' says Edwin Locke, an industrial psychologist and professor emeritus of leadership and motivation at the Robert H. Smith School of Business at the University of Maryland. 'You make your own decisions, and if you're wrong, reality gives you the feedback,' he says.

Another surprise from the survey: Farmers and other outdoor workers, from farmhands to forestry workers, scored No.1 among all groups in 'emotional health,' as measured mainly by the amount of smiling, laughter, enjoyment and happiness they report experiencing the previous day -- despite the fact that farmers ranked near the bottom in access to basic needs.