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Lose weight the healthy way!

Sick of fad diets and weight loss shakes? Caitlin Reid, dietitian and author of "Health & the City", gives you tips for achieving effective weight loss the healthy way.

Eat off smaller plates  用小盘子吃饭

If you're like most of us, you'll eat everything off your plate without much thought to whether you are full or not. Eating beyond full is a problem, particularly if you've served yourself more than you need in the first place. This is what happens when we eat off larger plates - we tend to over-serve, underestimate serving sizes and over-consume. So, it makes sense that if we eat off smaller plates we'll overestimate serving sizes and eat less. It works for bowls and glasses too!

Choose your drinks wisely 小心选择饮料

Extra large lattes with multiple sugars, enormous juices and sugary soft drinks are packed with kilojoules. In fact, some speciality iced coffee drinks contain the same amount of kilojoules as a meal. And to make things worse, research shows our body doesn't tell us to eat less after consuming liquid kilojoules, causing us to eat more than we need and making weight loss harder. Reduce over-consumption by making water your number one fluid, enjoying one regular skinny milk coffee a day and limiting your intake of soft drinks, energy drinks and juices.

Move more 多动永远是硬道理!

Many of us lead fairly sedentary lifestyles and often only manage 30 minutes of exercise on a few days of the week. But, to achieve your weight loss goals, you need to exercise for 60-90 minutes everyday. Choose an activity you enjoy and think of exercise as an opportunity for better health, not an inconvenience. If you to be motivated grab a workout buddy or listen to some tunes.

Get eight hours of sleep each night 睡够8小时

Not getting your beauty sleep could be hindering your weight loss attempt, as it disrupts the regulation of hunger hormones. Research shows sleeping for only four hours for two consecutive nights decreases the levels of hunger-suppressing leptin and increases the levels of hunger-stimulating ghrelin, making you hungrier and more likely to snack the following day. To help control your hungry hormones, try to enjoy eight hours of sleep each night.

Slow down your eating 吃慢点!

Many of us eat our meals like we're in a pie-eating contest, only to feel uncomfortably full by the end. Seeing it takes about 20 minutes for our stomachs to register that we're satisfied, many of us can easily overeat before we feel full. This is even more likely when we arrive home 'starving'. Slow down your eating by putting your knife and fork down after each mouthful and wait 20 minutes after finishing your meal before diving in for seconds. This will put you back in tune with your hunger, prevent overeating and help with weight loss.