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U.S. President Barack Obama has declared the current swine flu outbreak to be a national emergency, to ease the way for doctors and healthcare facilities to respond more quickly to the growing number of sick people, the White House said Saturday.
美国白宫上周六说,总统奥巴马(Barack Obama)已经宣布美国进入甲型H1N1流感紧急状态,此举旨在医生和医疗机构更为迅速地对数量不断增长的患者做出反应。

The declaration, which Obama signed Friday, authorizes the administration to waive or modify certain federal requirements involving Medicare, Medicaid, and health privacy rules to speed treatment.

'The rates of illness continue to rise rapidly within many communities across the nation, and the potential exists for the pandemic to overburden health care resources in some localities,' Obama wrote in the declaration.

The move comes as the flu, known also as 2009 H1N1 flu, has become widespread in 46 states and its death toll since April has topped 1,000. Yet officials are hampered in their efforts to combat its continuing spread because vaccine has been delayed by a series of manufacturing problems and slowdowns.

Less than half of the H1N1 vaccine expected to be shipped to doctors, hospitals and clinics in the U.S. this month has been shipped so far, and delays are occurring around the globe, according to U.S. officials.

Reid Cherlin, a White House spokesman, said the declaration was not connected to any recent developments, including the clear and significant delay in vaccine production. Instead, Cherlin said, it was aimed at clearing away government red tape before it becomes an obstacle for health care providers who might otherwise find their systems rapidly overburdened in the weeks ahead.
白宫发言人切尔林(Reid Cherlin)说,总统这一公告与任何近期势态无关,包括疫苗生产明显严重的延误问题。他说,奥巴马此举意在简化政府程序,避免给医疗系统带来障碍;否则,医疗服务提供者可能在未来数周发现他们的系统很快不堪重负。

The declaration could help local health care providers establish special facilities to deal with swine flu outbreaks more rapidly, including the likes of turning a local high school gym into a clinic, or raising a tent in a hospital parking lot to increase urgent-care space, a White House official said.