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With the popularity of Facebook and LinkedIn, the curriculum vitae might seem an anachronism. However, the proliferation of recruitment websites and online business networks means your CV may be widely available already. Potential employers could even be reading it even if you are not looking for a job. That, and the relative brevity and insecurity of modern jobs, means your CV has to work harder than ever.

It's just my career history in reverse order isn't it?

Not any more. CVs have become much more about where you are going and what you have to offer than where you have come from. “It needs to be a shop window on who you are and show people what you have to offer,” says James Phillips, a senior consultant at The Fuller CV, a CV-writing service.
今非昔比。如今简历更侧重你要去哪里以及你能够提供些什么,而非你来自哪里。简历服务公司The Fuller CV的高级咨询师詹姆士菲利普斯(James Phillips)表示:“简历就得像商店橱窗,要向人们展示,你是谁?你可以提供什么?”

Elisabeth Marx, a partner at executive headhunters Heidrick & Struggles, says that, at a senior level, companies are looking for your major achievements: “We want to see things like successful change management, restructuring, international work, turnrounds and growing the business.”
高管猎头公司海得思哲(Heidrick & Struggles)合伙人伊丽莎白.马克斯(Elisabeth Marx)表示,就高级职位而言,企业看重的是你过往的重要成绩。“我们希望看到像成功的改革管理、重组、国际工作、扭亏为盈和扩大业务这样的东西。”

What are common pitfalls?

You should start by being honest and not exaggerating. The growth of electronic databases means that untruths such as bumped-up academic results are easily uncovered. You should also be very careful about lesser inaccuracies, such as guessing employment dates because you can't remember them, says Sonja Stockton, head of recruitment at PwC – even if these are honest mistakes, they may raise red flags with HR forensics.
从一开始,你就应该诚实,而不要夸大其辞。电子数据库的发展意味着,诸如夸大在校学习成绩之类的谎言很容易就会被识破。此外,普华永道(PwC)招聘主管索尼娅.斯托克顿(Sonja Stockton)表示,千万注意不要犯一些小错误,如因为记不清从事某份工作的时间而胡乱写。就算是真的记错,也可能让爱较真的人事部门不快。

Ms Marx says that less is more. “Sometimes we get 20-page CVs, but, even at a very senior level, they should be no more than two pages – and one page is even better.”

Mr Phillips adds that this minimalist approach should apply to the writing as well. “CVs are often highly verbose and ridden with cliches. You want to be clear and concise,” he says.