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Welcome back. This morning in Healthwatch, preventing breast cancer. Almost 200,000 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year. But by making four simple life style changes, you could reduce the odds of getting the disease by almost 40%. We are joined by our own Dr. Jennifer Ashton this morning. Good morning to you.

Good morning, Callie.

Thanks for being here with us. 40%, that's a big number.


And these things are so simple. It's not just about genetics, right?

That's right. Now we know the family history plays a big role in our risk for breast cancer, but there are a lot of things that we can do and you can start doing when you are young that can dramatically reduce the risk. And the first one is really maintain a healthy body weight. We know that's important for your heart, but also for your breast cancer risk. And the thinking is that we know that body fat actually produces estrogen, so the more body fat we have, the more estrogen we have, and actually forty percent to 50 percent of overweight post-menopausal women have much higher estrogen levels than those who are thinner. So again we want it keep your body weight low

1. 每天锻炼30分钟

Right, and one of the ways to do that of course is by exercising. How much exercise do we need?

Well, exercise is, of course, also the name of the game for preventing a lot of things. But ideally you want to exercise 30 minutes a day. We know that logistically that can be hard for people. But interesting new data suggest that even exercising earlier in our lives can reduce our risk of breast cancer much later. So as much activity as you can do, the better it will be for everything including breast cancer risk.

2. 保持健康体重

And what about maintaining a healthy weight. That goes along with all of these, but are there certain things that you should eat as supposed to others?

3. 健康饮食三分法

Well, in terms of the diet, the new thinking is really...it's called the "diet of thirds"--so a third of your plate should be a lean source of protain like fish or meat. But then the other two-thirds should really be things that come from plants, so vegetables, whole grains, the more colorful your dinner plate is, or your diet is in general, again the lower your risk for breast cancer. Try to minimize the white foods and eat the colors of the rainbow.

4. 一周少于七杯

And what about alcohol? Can we have a glass of wine and still be ok?

This is controversial and again all of these type sources of alcohol really contain the same servings. The magic number seems to be no more than seven alcoholic beverages a week. It doesn't matter whether you get that spread out day to day or all over the weekend. But you really want to keep your overall alcohol consumption low.

That's interesting, because you hear that drinking them all at once is not necessarily a good thing.

It counts however you get it. So if you save it all for the weekend, it's potentially just as bad.

OK, great, thank you so much. Dr. Jennifer Ashton.

post-menopausal women 绝经后的妇女
estrogen 雌激素