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For years, auto shows in China have been well known for their prominent display of copycat car models. The latest show, which opened Nov. 23 in the southern industrial city of Guangzhou, is no exception, teeming with models proudly displayed by local carmakers that resemble the Mini Cooper, the Scion xB, the Toyota Corolla, and the Lexus RX.
多年来,中国的车展一直以展示仿制车型而闻名。11月23日在南方工业城市广州开幕的最新汽车展也不例外,本地汽车制造商自豪地展出了模仿Mini Cooper、Scion xB、丰田卡罗拉(Toyota Corolla)和雷克萨斯(Lexus RX)的各种车型。

But the presence of copycat cars has been waning gradually, and Chinese car shows are increasingly featuring a different, equally unique variety of models: male models.

Auto shows around the world, notably those in Milan, Seoul, Frankfurt, and Tokyo, are known for featuring scantily-clad women posing with the latest cars for photographers - many of whom focus on the human models rather than the new car models. There are Web sites that devote much of their content to those show girls.

But male equivalents have been rarely seen at those events and Web sites - except in China. At the Guangzhou auto show, which ends today, a host of carmakers, including both established global names and Chinese upstarts, have been using male models to promote their new cars. Among those seen in Guangzhou mobilizing male models: Audi, Volkswagen, Honda, Mercedes-Benz, and Peugeot, as well as China's Chery and Lifan.

The male models tend to be fully clothed, and executives say they're there to appeal to both men and women. A Beijing-based executive with Mercedes-Benz says suggesting how people could dress to drive a certain car fashionably is 'a good way' to communicate to the consumer what kind of vehicle the carmaker has designed for people.

Naga Tandjung, an independent auto design consultant and a designer manager at Ford Motor until last year, says auto makers that use male-female couples to highlight new cars at auto shows in China are 'suggesting different lifestyles by recreating life scenes,' such as how vehicles are used when they date.
独立汽车设计咨询师、去年以前曾在福特汽车公司(Ford Motor)任设计经理的Naga Tandjung说,中国车展上生产商利用男女搭配的模特来展示新车,通过再现生活场景,比如约会时怎样使用车辆,“展示了别样的生活方式”。

They're also trying to appeal to Chinese women, whether wives, girlfriends or daughters, who tend to wield a lot of influence over car purchases in China, says Tandjung.