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Gold so looks like the next mania.
Witness the hype. The TV commercials. The once-skeptical investors jumping on board. The booming markets in Asia, where it has always been popular. Ominous whispers that global supply has 'peaked.' And, of course, new record-setting prices.
Equities had their turn. So did commodities. Why not gold?
Hucksters on TV and AM radio are urging you to stock up on gold to protect your money against 'the ravages of inflation.' But before you rush out and follow this advice too eagerly, take a look at this chart.

It shows the financial markets' best guess of where inflation will be for the next 20 years. (The numbers are found by comparing the difference between the yield on regular 20-year government bonds and the 'real' or after-inflation yield on inflation-protected bonds).
The first thing that stands out from the chart is the huge 'deflation' panic during the financial crisis last year. Inflation expectations collapsed as the turmoil led many people to fear a Japanese-style slump, or even a disastrous 1930s-style era when prices actually fell.
The second thing that stands out from the chart? The massive, overwhelming, extraordinary... absence of any hyperinflation panic whatsoever.
Right now the bond markets are predicting inflation will average about 2.4% over the next two decades. A few years ago they thought it would be closer to... 3%.
And this is not a forecast for consumer price increases over the next one, three or five years. This is the forecast for the next two decades. The year 2039 is as distant to us as we are from 1989.
Some years ago, when I was researching my first financial book, on sports betting, I was struck again and again by the human ability to see something that isn't there. (During the 2002 Super Bowl, fans continued to bet on the heavily favored St. Louis Rams to trounce the underdog new England Patriots well into the game - even as the Patriots were already showing the strength that would take them on to win.)
几年前开始研读第一本理财书(那本书是关于赌球)的时候,我一次又一次地为人类“无中见有”的能力感到震惊。(在2002年的超级杯 (Super Bowl)比赛中,球迷们不断以重注赌押热门球队圣路易斯公羊(St. Louis Rams),认为这支球队将大败当时处在不利地位的新英格兰爱国者(New England Patriots),却看不到后者已经在显现的实力。结果是新英格兰爱国者取胜。)

People will see, and bet on, what they expect to see, what they want to see, or even what they are told they are seeing, as often as they will see, and bet on, what they are actually seeing.
In this instance it is remarkable the number of people who are 'seeing' hyperinflation down the road where none is, so far, apparent.
A few important notes.
First, the inflation being forecast here is the official rate, based on the consumer price index. Conspiracy theories aside, the CPI is certainly open to challenge as an inflation measure. Some economists argue it understates the 'real' inflation figure. That's an important caveat to the data in the chart.