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Anthony Bolton, veteran star stock-picker at Fidelity International, is moving to Hong Kong to set up a China fund. He is following Michael Geoghegan, HSBC's chief executive, who has already announced he is moving from London to Hong Kong. “The centre of gravity is clearly shifting,” Mr Bolton says.
富达国际老牌明星基金经理安东尼·波顿(Anthony Bolton)准备移师香港,创立一只中国基金。他是在追随汇丰(HSBC)首席执行官纪勤(Michael Geoghegan)的脚步,后者已宣布将办公室从伦敦迁至香港。波顿表示:“重心显然在转移。”
It certainly looks that way, although it is worth recalling that it was not that long ago that Japan was tipped to be the new number one. Economies have their ups and downs – look at Dubai.
What we can forecast with some confidence is that English will remain the world's leading language for as long as anyone reading these words is alive. Economies can tip into crisis, fund managers can switch their investments at the click of a button and executives can relocate to the other side of the world, but it takes a lot more to topple the global language.
If Mandarin – or Spanish, or Arabic – is to replace English as the world's lingua franca, children in San Paulo, St Petersburg and Auckland had better start learning it now. Forget all those advertisements promising you can learn a language in three months. You can't. You may be able to summon up a few phrases. Perhaps you could engage a taxi driver in a minute of conversation before you seize up.
There are many ways to learn a language, but they all require years of graft, getting new words to stick, mastering grammatical forms and endlessly watching television and films until the indistinguishable babble separates itself into the odd word you recognise. It takes much of a lifetime to master a language and the world's pilots, seafarers, traders and academics have already devoted their best years to learning English. They would not relish the prospect of starting out again in, say, Portuguese or Hindi.
English will endure, but its predominance is throwing up some surprising winners and losers. A forthcoming British Council report, English Next India (I hope the Council can find a way of punctuating that before it comes out), says India may now have fewer English speakers than China.
英语将经久不衰,但其主导地位正催生一些意料之外的赢家与输家。英国文化协会(British Council)即将发表的一份报告《English Next India》(我希望该协会能够在报告发表前找出加标点的方法)指出,现在印度讲英语的人可能没有中国多。
This is an extraordinary outcome, given India's colonial past, the fluent English of its cricketers and its profusion of call centres providing train times and computer support to the English-speaking world.