坚果一直被人高度吹捧为在饮食中获得健康脂肪的一个很好的方式,但许多人忘记,种子也是属于这一类的。葵花籽含有丰富的维生素E ,具有1盎司提供您每日总摄入量的30 %。维生素E是一种主要的抗氧化剂,可以帮助减少你记忆的衰退,从而成为您确保要消费的养分。
While all berries provide a number of health-related benefits, blueberries in particular are a memory-boosting powerhouse. They are considered a memory food because they contain a phytochemical that is especially important in reversing the age-related decline of memory, while having a positive influence on spatial working memory.
In addition to this, blueberries rank low on the glycemic index scale, making them a good fruit choice if you are trying to control your blood sugar level.
Lean beef
Including moderate portions of lean beef in your diet is beneficial in enhancing your memory because of its iron content. While most men get enough iron in their diet, those who are on a strict diet and are sticking mostly to chicken, egg whites and fish as sources of protein may be running a bit low.
Iron deficiency can have a big impact on brain function and impair learning abilities, eventually putting you at an increased risk for developing Alzheimer’s disease. So, be sure you aren’t cutting out good sources of iron from your diet -- even if you’re striving for maximum fat loss.
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