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What do people do during the winter festival of Christmas? How much do you know about Christmas ? Find out with our festive quiz.

1 In many countries, Christmas seems to be all about ________ shopping; buying presents, presents and more presents! 

A: go shopping
B: going
C: do the
D: doing the

答案是:B,going shopping is a popular pastime in the UK! D不对,"Doing the shopping" 通常指例行购物这件事。

2 What do you traditionally find in Christmas pudding? The possible answers were:

A: Money
B: A ring
C: Banana
D: Beans


3 What sauce is often eaten with turkey at Christmas dinner? The possible answers were:

A: StrawberryB: Cranberry
C: Blueberry
D: Raspberry

答案是:B,cranberry是一种红色的浆果,译成汉语就是酸果蔓,同火鸡配套吃。 A不对,不是草莓酱;C不对,不是蓝梅子酱;D不对,不是木莓/山莓酱。这种果酱做成的浓汁常常配冰激淋最好吃。

4 What would you find in a cracker? The possible answers were:

A: A Christmas tree
B: Tinsel
C: A Christmas card
D: A joke


5 What do you do under mistletoe? The possible answers were:

A: Shake hands
B: Kiss
C: Say "Merry Christmas"
D: Open presents

答案是:B,我们会在槲寄生这种植物下亲吻,这通常发生在圣诞聚会的时候。A不对,因为握手的情况经常出现在两个人被初次介绍给对方的时候;C不对,虽然你可以在槲寄生下面说"Merry Christmas", 但是你还可以做一件事;D不对,因为圣诞礼物都放在圣诞树下,英国人不在槲寄生之下来拆开礼物。