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6 Did you know, in Britain the Queen has made a _________ on TV every Christmas day since 1957? 

A: sermon
B: talk
C: speech
D: lecture
答案是:C,speech通常含有公共演讲的意思,比如政治家或名人演讲。A不对,因为sermon带有宗教色彩,是布道说教的意思;B不对,在表达女王讲话这个意思的时候,talk 未免过于随便了,因为talk一词多用于有听众在场的发言和讲话,而女王都是在电视上发表全国讲话或祝词的,非常郑重; D不对,lecture通常指比较正式的讲座,带有专业和学术色彩,最长使用的场合就是在大学里面。

7 In Mexico and parts of Brazil, people watch a traditional _______ called "The Shepherds"--the shepherds kidnap (abduct) the baby Jesus! 

A: play
B: theatre
C: stage
D: acting
答案是:A,when you go to the theatre, you see a play。B不对,theatre是剧院的意思,人们去剧院看歌剧和戏剧;C不对,stage是舞台的意思;D不对,因为acting指的是具体的表演和演技本身: "His acting was fantastic" or "He's been acting since he was 3 years old".

8 Traditional nativity scenes are popular in many countries--they show the ___________ of Jesus.

A: life
B: birth
C: born
D: all of the above answers

答案是:B, "Birth"是个名词,你可以说"It was a difficult birth(难产)"。C不对,因为"Born"是个形容词,可以用这个句型:Jesus was born in Bethlehem。

9 A traditional English song is known as a Christmas ______. The possible answers were:

A: Carl
B: Carol
C: Karen
D: Kath


10 What was Rudolph, Santa's best-known reindeer famous for? The possible answers were:

A: His beautiful sleigh
B: His red nose
C: His huge antlers
D: His big eyes
