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Red wine has long been touted as a health elixir. Now wine's purported health-giving ingredient, resveratrol, is available in daily supplements, beverages and even a new nutritional bar claimed by sellers to help you live longer and help prevent cancer and other diseases. Until recently, the evidence for resveratrol has been animal data, but preliminary human testing has yielded intriguing results.
白藜芦醇是葡萄和其他植物中的一种成分。市场上的很多营养补充品都是从日本结草中提取白藜芦醇,而结草是一种既丰富又便宜的白藜芦醇来源。瑞士Royal DSM NV公司销售一种人工合成的“resVida”。营养补充品、一种非酒精水果口味饮料和新推出的Winetime巧克力水果棒中都含有这种成分。
Resveratrol is a substance found in grapes and other plants. Many of the supplements on the market extract it from the Japanese knotweed plant, which is a plentiful and inexpensive source. Switzerland's Royal DSM NV sells a synthetic version called resVida, which is found in supplements, a nonalcoholic fruit-flavored beverage and the new Winetime chocolate-fruit bar.
Resveratrol has found been found in animal studies to prevent or slow progression of illnesses from cancer to cardiovascular disease -- and even to extend the life span of some organisms. Since 2008, at least five human studies have been presented at scientific meetings showing human benefits, ranging from improved blood flow to the heart to better control of diabetes.
The newest results are exciting, but some scientists say it is too early for the public to begin taking supplements, which contain as much resveratrol in one pill as dozens or hundreds of bottles of wine, depending on the dose. The proper dose for humans isn't yet known -- and more isn't necessarily better.