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Researchers at the University of Connecticut School of Medicine in Farmington found that lower doses of resveratrol protected rats' hearts from artificially induced heart attacks while high doses actually made the attacks worse.
伊利诺伊大学芝加哥分校流行病学教授奥士安斯基(S. Jay Olshansky)说,尽管在人体上已经进行了一些安全性研究,大剂量是否会产生长期副作用,这一点还不清楚;我再怎么强调都不为过:不要在自己身上做试验。
While some safety studies have been conducted on humans, it is too early to know if there are long-term side effects of high doses, says S. Jay Olshansky, a professor of epidemiology at the University of Illinois at Chicago. 'I cannot emphasize enough: Do not experiment on your own body,' he says.
没有人知道白藜芦醇确切的作用机理,不过科学家们认为,它可以激活一系列的基因,对人体的各项功能造成连锁反应。人体研究数据包括从Sirtris Pharmaceuticals Inc.的一项研究得出的结果。这项研究包括由100人组成的对照组。研究发现,服用了葛兰素史克生产的自主配方补充品SRT501的糖尿病患者体内血糖水平降低,不过这种营养补充品尚未上市。
No one knows exactly how resveratrol works, but scientists believe it activates a wide range of genes, creating a cascade-like effect on a variety of body functions. Human data include a 100-person placebo-controlled study by Sirtris Pharmaceuticals Inc. that found lowered blood-glucose levels in diabetics who took the GlaxoSmithKline unit's proprietary formulation, SRT501, not yet on the market.