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低碳生活 说起来容易做起来难

Even the experts can tie themselves in knots. Duncan Clark, author of The Rough Guide to Green Living, unveiled “10 eco-myths” in a Guardian podcast in November. Many of them were well chosen, but unfortunately his number one “myth” was not a myth at all: that switching off lights will reduce CO2 emissions. Clark's logic is seductive: some European carbon emissions, including those generated by electricity, are subject to a cap. Clark is right to say that conserving electricity will allow other sectors to take up the resulting slack, because they will be able to buy permits to emit more cheaply than if we left our lights blazing.
就连专家也会把自己弄糊涂。去年11月,《绿色生活简明指南》一书的作者克拉克在卫报的播客 中揭露了“环保的十大误区”。其中许多条都选得不错,但遗憾的是,他所说的第一个“误区”根本不是误区:随手关灯将减少碳排放。克拉克的逻辑很具诱惑性:欧洲某些部门的碳排放,包括电产生的那些排放,都受到上限约束。因此,克拉克有关节约用电不过会让其它部门得以利用由此省下的那部分限额的说法是对的,因为与任凭灯火通明相比,省电让这些部门能够买到碳排放许可,从而以更低廉的成本排放二氧化碳。
Where Clark goes wrong is in assuming the cap will remain fixed forever. If we all turn out our lights, the price of permits will fall and politicians will find it politically easier to tighten the cap. So, keep installing those energy-efficient light bulbs. (Another less-than-obvious truth is that it's not worth waiting for your old bulbs to burn out before you fit the new ones.)
After picking through the ideas of Vaze, Clark, David MacKay (a Cambridge physicist) and others, my view is that it is hopeless to expect that volunteers will navigate this maze of decisions.
That is why a broad-based, credible carbon price will be the foundation of any successful policy on climate change. The price would affect the cost of every decision we make; it would take away the guesswork. Current carbon pricing schemes, such as the European emissions trading scheme, are a good start, but they leave out too many sectors, and permits are too cheap.
And a final admission: not every feature of the low-carbon lifestyle is impossibly obscure. I felt rather smug when I realised I could stop drinking cappuccino in favour of espresso, saving 90kg of CO2 a year. Then I totted up my carbon footprint from air travel in 2009. It is the equivalent of almost 50 tonnes of CO2 – or more than the entire footprint of a typical British family of three. It doesn't take a genius to figure out how to shrink that particular footprint. This year I shall do better.