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《迷失》大结局将播 观众或继续迷失


Ending a television series usually means you've been canceled.

In the case of ABC's 'Lost,' though, a hit show is going out on its own terms. After three years of planning, the new season, starting Feb. 2, will conclude its six-year run in May.

Even with the unusual luxury of planning ahead, engineering a graceful exit can be tricky, as 'Seinfeld' and 'The Sopranos' found out when many fans felt cheated. 'Lost' has its own set of challenges. Set on a mystical island after a group of plane-crash survivors are stranded, the show mixes soap opera and sci-fi. It has dozens of complicated plotlines and mysteries to wrap up, and a base of diehard fans who want answers to the show's many still open questions.
虽然难得地进行了提前计划,但完美谢幕也不是一件容易的事,比如《宋飞外传》(Seinfeld) 和《黑道家族》(The Sopranos),它们的结局就让很多剧迷有一种受骗的感觉。《迷失》也面临着自己的一大堆难题。该剧讲的是一群坠机生还者受困于一座神秘岛屿之后的故事,融合了肥皂剧和科幻的元素。剧中有数十个复杂的叙事线索和迷团需要收尾,一群铁杆剧迷也希望知道很多问题的答案。

Earlier this month, President Barack Obama rescheduled his first 'State of the Union' address so it wouldn't conflict with the season premiere. 'I don't foresee a scenario in which the millions of people that hope to finally get some conclusion in 'Lost' are pre-empted by the president,' White House spokesman Robert Gibbs told the press corps during a briefing. 'You can quote a senior administration official,' he joked.
本月早些时候,美国总统奥巴马(Barack Obama)更改了他首次“国情咨文”演说的时间安排,以便不与《迷失》新一季的首集播出时间相冲突。白宫发言人吉布斯(Robert Gibbs)在一次吹风会上对记者团说,我认为不会出现数百万人想知道《迷失》中的一些结局、但时间被总统占据的情况。他开玩笑地说,你们可以说是一位高级政府行政官员说的。

The show's ratings are still strong, though they have dipped to 11.3 million viewers from a peak of 15.1 million in the 2006-2007 season. 'Lost' is an industry leader in DVD sales, video-on-demand and iTunes downloads, which add several million viewers not included in Nielsen ratings, ABC executives say.

'Lost' premiered in 2004 with a two-part pilot episode that featured the graphic wreckage of Oceanic flight 815 after it crashed en route from Sydney to Los Angeles. After weeks with no sign of a rescue, survivors try to adjust to life on the island as episodes provide flashbacks to their lives before the crash. In subsequent seasons, episodes provide 'flash forwards' that give titillating hints about what happens to the survivors who get off the island.