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《迷失》大结局将播 观众或继续迷失

The two-hour season six premiere picks up right where the season five cliffhanger left off, when spinal surgeon and crash survivor Jack Shephard, played by Matthew Fox, tries to manipulate the island's shadowy time-travel properties. After traveling back to the past, he and other survivors set off a hydrogen bomb designed to change the course of events-so that the plane crash will never happen.
第六季首集长两个小时,刚好从第五季没有讲完的紧张情节开始。当时脊椎外科医生、坠机生还者谢泼德(Jack Shephard)(由马修.福克斯饰演)努力控制岛屿上的时空穿梭机。在回到过去后,他和其他生还者引爆了一个氢弹,以改变事情的发展经过,从而使坠机不会发生。

Devising a final episode for a series which has aired for years is daunting enough. But it's especially tough for 'Lost,' which isn't the kind of show viewers can dip into at will. Fans have lived through dozens of complicated plot twists, many of them mysterious and unexplained. They've encountered time travel, angry island inhabitants, man-eating black smoke and geographically misplaced polar bears. Wrapping up everything seems impossible.

Already, fans are flooding 'Lost'-devoted Web sites to plead for answers to mysteries. Why was this group of people brought to the island in the first place? What do the strange set of numbers that pops up throughout the seasons symbolize? Who is Jacob, a mysterious figure who appears to have lived on the island for centuries and may have special powers?

The show's producers admit they won't be able to tie up everything. 'To over-explain and demystify [the island] would be detrimental,' says executive producer Carlton Cuse.
制作方承认,他们无法一一解释每一条线索。执行制片人库思(Carlton Cuse)说,过度解释、(对岛屿)去神秘化将是有害的。

The producers say the series finale will not try to set up any future 'Lost' incarnations. 'We are ending this story with these characters, and that's all we have planned. We're not setting up a sequel. We're not planting elements for future shows. We certainly understand and absolutely respect that ABC and Disney have an incredibly valuable franchise and they want to do more things with 'Lost,' but the story we're telling ends in May,' Mr. Cuse says.
制作方表示,《迷失》大结局不会再设立任何新的角色。库思说,我们就用这些角色结束整个故事,这全都在我们的计划之中。 我们不会推出续集。我们不会为新的剧情埋伏笔。美国广播公司和迪士尼(Disney)拥有极为宝贵的特许经营权,我们肯定理解并且绝对尊重,他们希望在《迷失》上面再做些事情,但我们讲的故事到5月份就结束了。

ABC says it has no plans at this time for a 'Lost' sequel or spinoff, nor any 'Lost'-related items like comic books, additional action figures (there are some out there), or an island-inspired theme park ride. But executives don't rule anything out.