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With the Academy Award nominations out this week, fashion designers are already jockeying to dress the stars for their big night. But rather than picking the Oscar winners, designers are asking another question: Who will be the most effective at getting viewers to buy the clothes they see on the red carpet?


Among this year's nominees, the 'best seller' award is likely to go to a nominee whom few in the fashion world are discussing: Sandra Bullock. At StyleSpot.com, a Los Angeles-based Web site that links red-carpet photos to stores that sell the looks, Ms. Bullock's one-shouldered Vivienne Westwood dress at the Golden Globes ranked among the top of all red-carpet appearances this year in inspiring viewers to 'click through' to retail sites.

在今年的提名者中,“最佳推销员”的奖项可能要属于一个在时尚界少有人议论的奥斯卡候选人:桑德拉·布洛克(Sandra Bullock)。在StyleSpot.com网站上,布洛克在金球奖(Golden Globes)颁奖典礼上的单肩薇薇恩·韦斯特伍德(Vivienne Westwood)礼服在今年所有的红毯亮相中位居前列,她也成为最能鼓励观众从红毯照片点击链接至服装卖场的人。总部位于洛杉矶的 StyleSpot.com网站将红毯照片和销售这些礼服的商家链接在一起。

One lesson: It isn't pure chic that moves clothes. 'For the most part, celebrities that drive sales aren't necessarily the ones that get nominated' for awards, says Lily Hollander, editorial director of StyleSpot.com. The 45-year-old Ms. Bullock is not high on chic lists, but her down-to-earth image mean millions of women relate to her.

一个经验是:推动服装销售的并非是单纯的时髦漂亮。“在绝大多数情况下,带动销量的明星不一定是那些获得了奥斯卡提名的演员,” StyleSpot.com编辑部主任莉莉·霍兰德(Lily Hollander)表示。45岁的布洛克在时尚榜单上的位置并不靠前,不过她的邻家女形像意味着成百上千万的女性对她有认同感。

By contrast, with her Best Actress Oscar nomination for 'An Education' this week, Carey Mulligan has dozens of fashion designers vying to lend her baubles and gowns for the Oscars. The young actress with the pixie haircut is known as a sophisticated dresser. 'Carey Mulligan will be the most watched on Vogue.com,' says Hamish Bowles, Vogue's European editor at large, recalling a sparkling Prada dress the actress wore recently.

相比之下,因《成长教育》(An Education)获得最佳女演员提名的凯瑞·穆里根(Carey Mulligan)则得到了数十名服装设计师的青睐,他们争相租借给她在奥斯卡上穿着的首饰和礼服。这位留着利落短发的年轻女演员在穿着方面是个众所周知的高手。“凯瑞·穆里根将成为Vogue.com网站上最受人关注的人物,”Vogue欧洲版编辑哈米什·鲍尔斯(Hamish Bowles)说,她回想起穆里根最近穿着的一件亮闪闪的普拉达(Prada)礼服。

But despite Ms. Mulligan's fashion cred, she may not be the savviest choice for product placement. At StyleSpot.com, Ms. Mulligan is not one of the stars who moves the most viewers to buy clothes. Ms. Mulligan wasn't available to comment.

不过尽管穆里根在时尚方面有可信度,但她或许并不是植入式广告最明智的人选。在 StyleSpot.com网站上,穆里根并不属于能够推动观众购买服装的明星之列。记者未能联系到穆里根置评。