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Celebrity placement is more voodoo than science, but among this year's nominees, other Oscar sales influencers may include plus-sized Gabourey Sidibe and the classic Meryl Streep. Ms. Sidibe, the star of 'Precious,' is 'an alternate paradigm for the red carpet, but she can carry these very strong colors,' says Mr. Bowles. What's more, the plus-sized market is one of fashion's fastest growing.

有关明星植入式广告的效用并不存在什么科学根据,不过在今年的提名者中,丰满的加伯瑞·斯迪比(Gabourey Sidibe)和典雅的梅丽尔·斯特里普(Meryl Streep)或许也能推动奥斯卡销售。《真爱》(Precious)的主演斯迪比是“红毯上的另类范例,不过她能够驾驭那些非常强烈的色彩,”鲍尔斯说。另外,大尺寸服装也是时尚界成长最快的市场之一。

And Ms. Streep's maturity and demure style choices may appeal to women over 40, who spend more on fashion than other demographic groups.


Red carpets have become a primary marketing channel for fashion. The Academy Award nominees' photos will be plastered from Boise to Bombay after the March 7 awards show, which will be watched by something north of 35 million television viewers--and seen on a gazillion blogs. It's an irresistible advertising medium. In Los Angeles, designers employ VIP handlers, who work to get the designers' clothes on celebrities who might be photographed in them.


The fashion industry does this because it works. After Sienna Miller wore Thakoon's spring bustier jumper to the premiere of the fashion documentary 'The September Issue,' every store that bought the piece sold out, says a spokeswoman for designer Thakoon Panichgul.

时尚产业这么做的原因是这招确实奏效。西耶娜·米勒(Sienna Miller)在时装纪录片《九月刊》(The September Issue)的首映礼穿上了Thakoon的修身小礼服裙之后,每家进了这件衣服的商店都卖断了货,设计师塔库恩·帕尼克歌尔(Thakoon Panichgul)的发言人表示。

Yet success, for a designer, is a delicate balance of star power and timing. After Jessica Alba presented an award at the People's Choice awards last month, her Burberry Prorsum knotted platform sandals generated the most click-throughs to retail sites of any red-carpet appearance this season on StyleSpot.com.

然而对于设计师来说,成功还是明星影响力和时机之间的一种微妙平衡。杰西卡·阿尔芭(Jessica Alba)在上个月的人民选择奖(People's Choice)颁奖礼上露面后,她穿着的巴宝莉(Burberry)子品牌Burberry Prorsum的打结厚底凉鞋为StyleSpot.com网站带来了本季所有红毯亮相中指向零售店的最多的点击量。

Unfortunately for Burberry, those spring-season shoes won't be available in stores for another month. So shoppers had to settle for similar looks offered on the site by Robert Clergerie and Callisto.

不过不幸的是,巴宝莉这款春季款凉鞋直到下月才会到店。因此买家们不得不退而求其次,在网站上购买Robert Clergerie和Callisto品牌的相似的凉鞋款式。

Nothing is too minor for mention. Stylist Mark Townsend announced that he set actress January Joness hair in a French twist for the Golden Globes, blow drying her hair 'with a round brush' and securing 'it with about 10 bobby pins.' He also named hair products and prices: Moroccanoil Treatment, $39 for 3.4 fl. oz.

没有什么是不值一提的。造型师马克·汤森德(Mark Townsend)宣布,他在金球奖上为女演员詹纽瑞·琼斯(January Joness)做了一个法式发髻,先吹干她的头发,“用滚梳”梳头发,再“用大约10支发夹”固定。他还公布了自己的美发产品和价格:Moroccanoil护理,3.4液体盎司的价格是39美元。