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Restricted to their homes for almost all but religious activities, Saudi women fall into comfortable lives away from physical exercise, which has led to a shocking 40 percent of them becoming obese.

Citing Khaled bin Abid, secretary general of the Saudi Household and Social Medical Association, the alarab online website reported Wednesday that more than 43.3 percent of Saudi women are overweight or obese.

With more and more Saudis migrating from the countryside to cities and the increasing dependence on technological products in modern family life, the Saudis have a better standard of living, turning them too lazy and less involved in physical exercise, which is a worrisome situation, bin Abid said.

The obesity rate in Saudi men stands at 28.6 percent, still a large figure not much better than that of women.

The induced "modern diseases" such as hypertension, hyperlipidemia, hyperglycemia and atherosclerosis are posing serious threats to the health of citizens, bin Abid added.



