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A German woman, fearful that a burglar was trying to break into her second storey apartment, called police after she heard someone climbing up to her balcony shortly after midnight, police said Thursday.

Police discovered the "burglar" was a man carrying flowers and a bottle of wine who turned out to be the woman's boyfriend, but then arrested him on an outstanding warrant.
警察发现这名“小偷” 是一个手拿鲜花美酒的男人,而这个男人是这位女士的男朋友。但是接着就因为一张通缉令逮捕了他。

"He was trying to surprise her with the flowers and a bottle of wine but it all went wrong," said Korbach police spokesman Volker Koenig. He said the man jumped down from the balcony and tried to escape but was quickly tackled by police.
警方发言人沃克·科宁说,“ 他只是想用鲜花和美酒给女朋友一个惊喜,结果事情全砸了。” 他说这个男人跳下了阳台试图逃跑但很快就被抓捕归案了。

"He nevertheless gave the police who were taking him to jail the bottle of wine as a gesture of thanks for the friendly treatment after the arrest," Koenig said.