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Matchmaking has existed since ancient times in Russia.

The old tradition, however, was broken after the Soviet Union was founded and more value was placed on free love.

But that's starting to change as matchmaking has undergone a bit of a revival.

A report Friday by Russian newspaper Novye Izvestiya revealed that Russian youths don't have time to seek a mate due to pressures from their studies and work. So they have turned to matchmaking agencies.

Couples are introduced to each other by matchmakers, which reportedly charge around 10,000 Russian ruble ($341) for a successful match.

Customers pay 3,500-5,000 rubles to sign a half-year or one-year contract. During the contract term, the matching agencies introduce different candidates to the customer.

Some matchmaking agencies offer VIP services to those who set severe standards. They charge 15,000 Russian rubles for such services.

Statistics show that among customers under the age of 30, males comprised far more than females, with a ratio of three to one. For customers around 30 years old, the ratio turned out equal.

And among customers over 50, there were four times as many females as males.

Categorized by careers, the customers include construction workers and political officials.

An expert on marriage said that people of high social status often set stricter standards on their spouses, and the matchmaking process often takes several years.

And there are also many unrealistic customers. For example, some women in shreds and tatters seek after financial oligarchy.



