Step 1: Recognizing The Many Faces Of Pride
Make a list of those you feel better than. Who are they? Why are you better than them? A)Make a list of those you feel are better than you. Who are they? How does this make you feel? How do you behave with them? This exercise will surprise you. Be honest with yourself. You may also be astonished to see how many people you've written out of your life.
Step 2: Stop Comparing
A) Pick someone on your list that you feel better than. Write down all their positive qualities. Now, stop comparing yourself to this person. Let them be who they are. Let you be who you are, as well. Enjoy the differences between you.
B) Do the same with someone you think is better than you. Can you allow both of you to have positive qualities though they may be different? Can you stop comparing in this case as well?
Step 3: A New Meeting
A) Contact the person you feel better than and go out with them to lunch. Make the meeting all about them. Don't talk much. Really find out about them. Give them a chance to be the star. Do the same with someone who feels they are better than you. You'll be amazed to discover how much others crave being heard and known, how shaky they are about who they are. As you do this you'll see that you don't have to tear others down to feel good about yourself.
Step 4: Each One Is The Best One
As soon as you notice yourself feeling better than another, let it go and let them be the star. Realize that both of you can be wonderful. As soon as you notice that you feel someone else is better than you, do the same. Look for their good qualities and yours as well. Find out more about them. Talk to them about themselves and really listen. Let the true person they are emerge. Don't buy into a fantasy. It won't do you any good.
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