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Local governments are trying to help families like Li’s by hunting for new water resources. The Ministry of Land and Resources announced last week that 1,100 new wells would be dug in 10 counties, including Li’s, by the end of May. But Li is not very optimistic.

“My neighbor has a well. In the past, it was full and you could get water without using a rope, but now it is empty,” said Li. “So even if you dig a new well in some other place, the result will likely be the same.”
In Li’s opinion, there are more sustainable ways to prevent a drought, such as planting more trees.
Trees conserve water with their large roots. But in Yunnan, forest coverage has decreased from 63 percent to 33 percent over the last 18 years.
“When I was a child, my father would take me up the mountain and tell me how he used to cut down trees and use them as firewood when he was young,” said Li. “Now the land around the reservoir is barren – there are no trees protecting the underground water supply.”
Li says the drought has served as a reality check on the importance of water conservation.
“It has taught me that, if we use water efficiently, two buckets a day should be enough for four family members. We can recycle the water for multiple uses,” said Li. “Every drop of water is precious. I hope people realize this.”