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Gordon Brown on Tuesday called an election for May 6, asking the British electorate for a “clear and straightforward mandate” to extend 13 years of Labour rule and “secure the recovery”.

英国首相戈登·布朗(Gordon Brown)周二宣布在5月6日举行大选,请求选民赋予工党“明确、直接的授权”,延续该党13年的执政期,“确保经济复苏”。

Flanked by his cabinet outside Downing Street, the prime minister opened a campaign that gives him four weeks to overturn a clear Conservative advantage in the opinion polls to gain his first electoral mandate as leader. “Now all of us, let's go to it,” he said.


The prime minister had earlier travelled the mile from Downing Street to Buckingham Palace, following a cabinet meeting, to ask the Queen to dissolve parliament a week on Tuesday.


His official announcement that the election will be held to coincide with local elections on May 6 kick-starts an intense campaign by all three main parties, vying to win a majority of the 650 seats contested.


Mr Brown said he would “fight for fairness” through the campaign, saying the country faced a “big decision” between keeping the “economy moving forward” or the threat of a “double-dip recession”.


Before Mr Brown had made the announcement, David Cameron, the Conservative leader, told supporters gathered by the Thames that the election was “the most important for a generation”.

布朗发表声明之前,保守党领袖大卫·卡梅伦(David Cameron)对聚集在泰晤士河畔的支持者们说,这次选举是“对整整一代人最重要的一次”。

“It comes down to this. You don't have to put up with another five years of Gordon Brown ... if you vote Conservative you are voting for hope, optimism and change.”


Mr Cameron's party needs to break out of its southern heartlands to win at least 117 seats – its biggest total since the second world war – to secure a working majority.
