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地震不断 2012的预言可能成真?

  Geological apocalypse is a better bet. There have been big earthquakes in California before and probably will be again. These quakes could destroy Los Angeles, as shown in the movie, and Yellowstone could erupt again with cataclysmic force sooner or later. We and our works are indeed fragile and temporary riders on the Earth. But in this case, "sooner or later" means hundreds of millions of years, and there would be plenty of warning.


  The Mayans, who were good-enough astronomers and timekeepers to predict Venus's position 500 years in the future, deserve better than this.


  Mayan time was cyclic, and experts like Dr. Krupp and Anthony Aveni, an astronomer and anthropologist at Colgate University, say there is no evidence that the Mayans thought anything special would happen when the odometer rolled over on this Long Count in 2012. There are references in Mayan inscriptions to dates both before the beginning and the ending of the present Long Count, they say, just as your next birthday and April 15 loom beyond New Year's Eve, on next year's calendar.


  So keep up those mortgage payments.
