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  'Women now have choices,' says Violeta Zhang, a 33-year-old accountant who says she plans to stay single. 'I can hang out with you, but I'm not bound to you. That's a choice.'


  Family and friends often see the lifestyle as a phase and expect the singletons to settle down, and many singletons do insist they're not opposed to marriage, just determined not to commit until they find the right partner -- one who respects their independence and shares their life goals. Presumably that means not expecting a wife to stay home and put up with a meddling mother-in-law.


  'Men have to change,' says Lan Pei-chia, a sociologist at National Taiwan University.


  'I'm selfish. Most single women are selfish,' says Jiang Chun-mei, a 43-year-old English teacher.


  In her 20s, Ms. Jiang had a steady Taiwanese boyfriend, but was put off marriage by the prospect of moving in with his family and becoming 'one more chopstick' at the table. After seven years she broke it off. (Her former boyfriend married another woman within a year; the couple now has two children.)


  Today Ms. Jiang dates only foreign men who don't want to tie her down. Her circle of friends includes both single and married women. She jokes with her single friends that their future will be a Taiwanese version of the 'Golden Girls,' an American TV show about four female retirees living together in Florida. 'It's just my lifestyle,' she says. 'It's natural, quite comfortable.'

  现在,江春梅只跟不想把她拴在身边的外国男人约会。她的朋友圈既有单身女性,也有已婚女性。她和自己的单身朋友开玩笑说,她们的未来将是台湾版的《黄金女郎》(Golden Girls),这是一部讲述四个女性退休后一起住在佛罗里达的美剧。“这就是我想要的生活方式,”她说,“这很自然,也很舒服。”

  Last year, Ms. Jiang took a month off to visit France, staying with friends. Ms. Zhang, the accountant, can't get enough of Spain and is fluent in the language. For Ms. Chen, the singleton guru, the hot destination is Bangkok. She recently wrote a Bangkok guidebook, spliced with photos of her shopping for clothes and eating her way around town.
