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When Natasha Narula treated daughter Drew to a holiday at Disneyland Paris, she thought it would be fun to dress up as princesses for the day.

Natasha Narula本打算带女儿Drew高高兴兴去迪斯尼乐园玩一次,她们还特地穿了公主一样的白色长裙。

The pharmacy worker bought an old wedding dress for £20 and kitted eight-year-old Drew out in a white and gold bridesmaid dress which she had kept from a family wedding, teamed with a tiara.

Natasha Narula花20英镑买了一条旧的新娘装,给八岁的女儿穿上了一条自己一直保留的伴娘裙,还给她戴了一个小王冠。

But the magic of Disney did not extend to staff at the park's entrance, who told Miss Narula she would not be admitted in her outfit because her dress and Rapunzel-style hairpiece made her look too much like a Disney princess.


The mother-of-two told yesterday how she was left 'stunned and humiliated' after being ordered to return to her hotel to change when staff insisted she could not enter the complex in fancy dress because she could be mistaken for a Disney princess.

工作人员坚称两人的公主装扮会让其他游客产生误会,以为她们专门扮成公主的工作人员。Natasha Narula说,那些人命令自己回家换衣服,她觉得非常震惊,而且受到了羞辱。

Miss Narula had taken Drew to the theme park on a £1,000 three-night break to celebrate her 35th birthday.


'It was Drew's dream come true to be a princess with her mum for the day at Disneyland but the whole experience was ruined.


'She was in tears when I was told I couldn't wear my dress. I felt like Cinderella being told I would not go to the ball.'


Disneyland confirmed it had a global policy banning adults from wearing fancy dress in their theme parks.


A spokesman said: 'No one over the age of nine is allowed to enter our theme parks in fancy dress. It prevents confusion.' Natasha has now written to Disneyland demanding an apology.
