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  In the United States alone,more than 20 million people have diabetes. That’s according to Paul Robertson, president of Medicine & Science at the American Diabetes Association.

  据美国糖尿病协会医学科学主席保罗·罗伯逊说,仅在美国就有超过2000 万人患有糖尿病。

  Paul Robertson: With all diabetes, the diagnosis is made because blood glucose, or blood sugar levels, rises above normal. He said that diabetes is so devastating because it’s a progressive illness that does lots of organ damage, and the disease gets worse with time.

  保罗·罗伯逊:对所有糖尿病病例来说,我们都以血液中的葡萄糖水平——即所谓的血糖——高于标准作为确诊依据。他说, 糖尿病非常具有破坏性,因为这种逐步恶化的疾病会造成许多器官损伤,症状也会随时间加重。

  Robertson: The longer that the blood glucose levels stays elevated, the more damage it does to very important tissues in the body. And actually it damages the pancreas itself, after a while.
