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Researcher and author on the family Patricia Morgan said: “This is a very high number. From the estimates that I have seen in the past,it is clear that there has been little or no improvement over the last ten years. This is a dreadful comment on the past decade of welfarism.”
Children who grow up in homes where no one works are less likely than others to do well at school, enjoy good health, and avoid the traps of drugs, crime and single parenthood.
A spokesman for the Department for Work and Pensions said: “Our Child Poverty Bill will commit this and successive governments to eradicating child poverty by 2020.”
英国就业与退休部门一位发言人说:“我们的《儿童贫困法案》将致力于帮助现任及以后的政府在2020 年前消灭儿童贫困。”
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