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  15th of May is the Teacher's Day in South Korea, but schools andteachers doubly feel keyed up on the day. Not only are parents sentletters being asked not to send teachers gifts, but also many schoolshave a day off on that day with not even celebrations held。

  According to CBS News, on May 16, in South Korea, the deeply-rootedpractice of parents offering under-the-table bonuses is known as"chonji". But due to a wave of corruption swamping teachers in thecountry, the government officially announced in 2008 that teachers whoaccept "chonji" should be dismissed and deprived of their rights toteach ever again. Investigators have thrown blitzes on teachers headinghome from school checking their bags or cars for chonji-related gifts。

  The report said that to preclude misunderstanding, "the teachers hadbetter not even accept a carnation from their students." On the day, 14primary schools and 10 junior-high schools in Seoul were voluntarilyclosed. No celebration was held. The Teacher's Day being a burden, hastouched off the social thinking of South Korea. According to thereports, the closure of schools will lead to a feeling of wounded prideand authority of teachers。

  The editorial article from JoongAng Daily pointed out that theactivities on Teacher's Day should be arranged for students, parentsand teachers to interact and have a good day together to share theirgratitude and respect, and that it should not cast a cloud of suspicionover the schools。