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  Mulyadi asked for help from the Indonesia's National Commission for Child Protection. Seto Mulyadi, chairman of the commission, told Diana that she needed to find other things to occupy the boy's time.

  黛安娜最终决定向印尼保护儿童全国委员会求助,希望这一机构帮阿尔迪戒烟。委员会主席塞托 穆利阿迪告诉她,她得找烟以外的事物转移阿尔迪注意力。

  "Smoking has been a part of our culture for so long it isn't perceived as being hazardous, causing illness or poisonous," said Mulyadi. "A lot of adults who are around children smoke. They carry a baby in one hand and a cigarette in the other. "


  But he said what was disturbing was that the parents' motivation to get Aldi to quit wasn't stemming primarily from an understanding of the risk to his health, but more from the cost of spending four dollars a day -- Aldi smokes an average of 40 cigarettes daily.
