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  There is a scar on Aldi's head, where he smashed his head into a wall during one of his tantrums. He also vomits when he can't satisfy his addiction. "I smoked when I was pregnant, but after I gave birth I quit," Diana said. "We went to the market and then suddenly he had a cigarette in his hand. Even when he was a baby and he would smell smoke he would be happy."


  A study by the child protection commission shows that between 2001 and 2007, the number of children smoking between the ages of five and nine jumped 400 percent. That does not take into account children like Aldi, who are under the age of five. Mulyadi believes the number is significantly higher and child smokers are getting younger.


  "We are fighting to remind the country that we really need to protect our children," Mulyadi said.
