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提高自身价值 市场化标准规范自己

  5. Become active in a professional association。

  This means doing more than paying dues and showing up for meetings. Find a way to help: For example, perhaps you can organize expert speakers in your field to be on a panel. It will boost your resume, build you self-esteem and give you valuable connections. "You're building up relationships with people who are going to hire you," Ullrich said。


  6. Take a class or get a certificate。

  This is especially helpful if it teaches you a skill -- new technology that's being used in your field, for example -- that you don't already have。


  7. Take on a new project at work。

  It should be "something that lets you add something new to your resume," Phillips said. "Think in terms of the resume that you're going to be writing. What do you want to have on there that isn't on there now?"

  在工作上开发一个新项目。“而这个新项目应该是你可以将其添加到你的简历上的,想想你要在简历上写的工作经验,那些是原来没有而你想增加的条款呢?” Phillips建议说。

  8. Be flexible。

  You may not want to commute more than 10 miles, but being willing to bend a bit will open up more opportunities. It will also make you a more attractive candidate because it signals to employers that you're able to handle change。
