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  What does creative directing mean? Is it the same as Lindsay Lohan and her creative direction for Ungaro? Or does it entail sitting down with a pattern cutter and designing? Obviously, celeb attached to label equals celeb wearing label and getting photographed a lot. And I’m sure Parker works her socks off. She has a unique way with a prom dress. She’s also smart. She’ll probably outsell Lacroix 100 to 1. But, honestly, don’t you despair of Darwinism sometimes?

  创意总监的含义是什么?和林赛·罗韩为恩加罗品牌做创意指导一样吗?或者是需要坐下来与裁剪师和设计师讨论吗?显然,明星和品牌联系在一起就意味着明星要穿这个品牌的衣服,拍很多宣传照。我确信帕克工作非常卖命。她能将舞会礼服穿出独特韵味,她也非常聪明,她的服装销售量可能是拉克鲁瓦服装销售量的 100 倍。但平心而论,有时候你不是也会对达尔文主义感到绝望吗?

  Perhaps this is unfair. Maybe Parker will, as Victoria Beckham has, throw herself into her new fashion label. Listen to VB talk about her new collection each season, and it becomes clear she knows her stuff. Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen have made a lovely job of the Row, their upmarket line of “basics”, too. But they don’t really have the distraction of acting careers any more. Will Parker have time to be so fastidious? Possibly not, so maybe they’ll have to get someone in behind the scenes to do that for her, just as they have at Ungaro.
