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  To get a bit history teacher for a moment: Ungaro spent six years with Cristobal Balenciaga. Azzedine Ala?a worked for Dior, admittedly only for five days, then scampered off to Guy Laroche. Alexander McQueen was apprenticed to Savile Row. Even Roberto Cavalli has form: he went to art school, invented a revolutionary technique for printing on leather, and won contracts with Hermes and Pierre Cardin. Like or loathe them, they all have something interesting or unique to add to the way women dress.


  Judging from the current bout of red-carpeting, most celebrities have nothing to add. Actresses are ciphers – which seems fine because most women just want clothes they can wear, not clever statements or startling fabrications. But look at the bigger picture: eliminate innovation and provocation and eventually the fashion pool silts up.


  1. venerable a . (因高龄、德行)令人肃然起敬的,可尊敬的。

   2. tat n . 破烂(的东西),粗布。

   3. work one’s socks off: 很努力,很卖命地工作。

   4. 达尔文主义(Darwinism)是与达尔文提出的进化论相关的一系列学说,作者在此提到达尔文主义意在表达其对“天择”和竞争的失望和无奈。

  5. cipher  n . 无足轻重的人,无价值的东西。