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  The brewery said, “the beer is to end all beers. It’s an audacious blend of eccentricity, artistry and rebellion, changing the general perception of beer.”The blond Belgian ale, infused with nettles and juniper berries, was created by BrewDog’s brewers by freezing the liquid to separate water from the solution. The process was then repeated dozens of times, requiring hundreds of litres of beer to be reduced through the process to produce just enough for a 330ml bottle.

  酿酒厂称:“这种啤酒将终结所有啤酒,它将怪异、艺术以及反叛融为一体,改变了啤酒的常规概念。” 这种金黄色的比利时啤酒,是用荨麻和杜松子酿造,通过冷冻将水分离出去。这一过程要重复数十次,数百升啤酒最后被浓缩为330毫升,然后装进尸体酒瓶中。

  However, animal campaigners hit out at BrewDog’s latest offering. Ross Minett, campaigns director for the charity Advocates for animals, said that using shock tactics to get attention was terribly out of date and the modern approach was to respect animals as individual sentient creatures, which would have much greater appeal with the animal-loving public.
