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  "In China, young girls think their weight is a big problem, even if they look tiny," says Jackie Mao, a Weight Watchers teacher. Sophia Sun, 29, is one such member. She is trim and petite but says: "I don't think to be slim is good enough. I don’t want to be skinny, just a little slimmer than before. Every caterpillar has a dream to be a butterfly."


  David Kirchhoff, Weight Watchers'chief executive, says the biggest hurdle in China is building a nutritional database to assign points to such a vast and complex cuisine, which contains such unfamiliar dishes as Kung Pao Chicken and "Husband-and-Wife Lung Slice". He says the "lazy Susan culture" of China makes things more difficult. Restaurant meals tend to be ordered communally, with over-ordering a sign of respect – which makes life hard for dieters.
