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  Although the boys will be under the same level of supervision as the most serious adult paedophiles, Mr Justice Saunders said they were too young to understand the gravity of what they had done.

  He added that he would write to the Lord Chief Justice about 'lessons learned' from the case after questions were asked about whether it should ever have been brought to court. Defence counsel for the boys had compared what happened to an innocent game of 'doctors and nurses'.


  'He was subjected to that level (of supervision) which in real terms meant he was not allowed to go to the local park, not allowed to go swimming, or do any other normal activity.

  'He was not allowed to associate with other children even when his mother was present with him.

  'Having been subjected to the highest level so it seems on this scale, he has been unable to effec tively conduct his life at all.'

  Linda Strudwick, defending the older boy, said of the judicial proc ess: ‘He has probably suffered more than any adult who has gone through this process, simply because of his age. A ten-year-old boy being taken to a police station for 24 hours is a terrifying experi ence for them.

  'No matter how much your lord ship tried to make this an undaunting experience, this is still the Central Criminal Court and it's still daunting.'

  After yesterday's hearing Andrew Flanagan, chief executive of the NSPCC children's charity, called for a review of the age of criminal responsibility, which is currently set at ten.

  He said: 'The circumstances of this case are such that the age of criminal responsibility should now be reviewed by the Government.'
