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美政府缉拿毒贩 雇人"破译"黑人英语


  The US is seeking to hire nine people fluent in Ebonics, also known as African American Vernacular English, in order to interpret wiretapped conversations between suspected drug dealers, the US Drug Enforcement Administration stated.


  Special Agent Michael Sanders said experts were needed to determine precisely what suspects were saying, which could be crucial in gaining convictions.


资料图 美国很多警察不懂黑人英语

  The Oakland board called for public money to fund "bilingual" education in English and Ebonics. However, the proposal was rejected by the Clinton administration, and sparked a fierce racially-charged national debate over whether learning, and language, could be "genetically based".


  "It seems ironic that schools that are serving and educating black children have not recognised the legitimacy of this language, yet the authorities and the police are recognising that this is a language that they don't understand, ”said Professor H Samy Alim, an expert on black language and hip-hop culture at Stanford University.

  斯坦福大学研究黑人语言和嘻哈文化的H 萨米艾里姆教授说,“很不可思议的是,教育和服务黑人儿童的学校并不承认”黑人英语“的合法性,很多公共机构和警察竟然表示不理解这门语言。”