杰克逊豪宅天价售出 买主自曝DJ身份
He has become a household name with self-help books including the best-selling I Can Make You Rich. And Paul McKenna's formula certainly seems to have worked for him. It emerged last night that the television hypnotist is considering paying ?19million for the Los Angeles home where Michael Jackson spent his final days.
迈克尔·杰克逊的豪宅“梦幻庄园”究竟“花落谁家”?这个问题一直萦绕在喜爱迈克尔·杰克逊的全球粉丝的脑海中。日前,这个谜底终于大揭晓了,世界上最成功的心理放松大师保罗·麦肯纳(Paul Mckenna)成为豪宅的买家,这位买主被大家熟悉还因为他也是著名励志类畅销书《我能让你变富有》(I Can Make You Rich)的作者。据悉,保罗·麦肯纳将为迈克尔的豪宅败下大价钱(共计1900万英镑),让他自己成为迈克尔·杰克逊豪宅的“业主”。
资料图 迈克尔·杰克逊的豪宅
Ideal home: Paul McKenna arrives for a viewing at the house owned by the late Michael Jackson. The 46-year-old, who started out as a radio DJ and went on to become Britain's most successful non-fiction author, viewed the house on Monday and is said to be 'very interested'.
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