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席琳·迪翁42岁再怀孕 拖家带狗入院


  PREGNANT songstress Celine Dion shows off her growing baby bump in the latest issue of Canada’s 7 Jours magazine.

  The singer — who already raises 9-year-old son, Rene-Charles, with husband Rene Angelil — will give birth to twins in November.

  Dion — who got pregnant after her sixth attempt at in-vitro fertilization — recently said that her pregnancy has been pretty typical.

  “The first two months I really felt the classical symptoms — the morning sickness, hot flashes, nausea,” she said.

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  回归家庭了一段时间的乐坛天后席琳迪翁目前正在家中静心养胎,为了能与歌迷分享又将再次做母亲的喜悦,最近,素颜天后拖家带口,一同登上了加拿大杂志《7 Jours》的封面,而这也是她自怀孕以来的首次曝光。
