Lady Gaga新造型变身山寨版自由女神
Lady Gaga becomes Lady Liberty!
For the "New York Issue" of fashion mag V, the pop superstar puts her edgy spin on one of America's -- and NYC's -- most iconic symbols.
资料图 Lady Gaga新造型变身山寨版自由女神
With designer Marc Jacobs close by, the 24-year-old singer has long, blonde hair sculpted into the Statue of Liberty's famous crown; wearing a bra, panties, draped fabric falling off her waist, she holds a burning paper torch.
The star (real name: Stefani Germanotta) was born and raised in the Big Apple.
Explains V editor Stephen Gan of the pic, snapped by photographer Mario Testino: "Just as the Statue of Liberty was France's gift to America, Gaga is, to us, New York's greatest gift to pop culture and fashion...she has become a bonafide genius and we can safely declare her our muse."
在最新的“纽约主题”杂志中,Gaga以性感蕾丝内衣造型示人,手举山寨意味十足的火炬,裹着一件驼色雪纺裙,成功变身为纽约地标——自由女神像。而一同出现的还有路易威登的设计师马克-雅各布。原名史蒂芬妮-杰尔马诺塔的Lady Gaga是土生土长的“纽约客”,由她来演绎这一主题就再合适不过了。大摄影师马里奥-特斯蒂诺这样解释道封面意图:“正如自由女神像是法国送给美国的贺礼一样,Lady Gaga便是纽约献给流行文化与时尚圈最好的礼物,她已经成为了我们的灵感缪斯。”
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