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林赛老爸卖女儿日记赚钱 父女成仇人


  The continuing feud between Michael Lohan and his daughter Lindsay Lohan continued today, with Michael Lohan denying that he attempted to sell her private diaries. But, he says, he did leak them.

  Michael Lohan has admitted to sending two of the entries -- written when the troubled actress was a patient at the Cirque Lodge rehabilitation center in Utah in 2007 -- to an entertainment news outlet but insists he did not seek any payment.


资料图 林赛

  Explaining why he allowed the journal entries to be made public, he said: “They directly talk about how she said the doctors have her on the wrong medication and she mentioned how she wished the doctors would get the medication right."

  According to Michael -- who received a cease and desist letter from Lindsay’s lawyer warning him against selling her personal belongings -- he received the diaries when someone sent pages of his daughter’s diary to him from a fake address in Salt Lake City, Utah.

  He added to website Hollyscoop: “I have the envelope and postmark dates to prove it.”

  The Machete actress -- who served 13 days in jail and 22 days in rehab last month as part of a sentence for violating the terms of probation following a 2007 driving under the influence conviction -- instructed her lawyer Shawn Chapman Holley to send the legal document to her estranged father warning she will seek damages if he sells any of her personal belongings.

