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印度妇女视牛犊为骨肉 每日喂奶三次


  Couthi Bai, a female villager from Kilchu, India,breastfeeds a 46-day-old cow as if it were her own offspring..


  The calf’s mother died when it was only three days old and Bai had fed it her milk since then. Bai said, "After its mother died, I held it in my arms and breastfed her. I nurtured it by feeding it my milk. For me there is no difference between a calf and an infant."


资料图 对她来说,一头牛犊和一个婴儿没什么区别

 She feeds the orphaned calf three to four times a day, the same amount an infant requires in a day. Sometimes she has to feed it chapstis, give it water to drink and slowly the cow will grow on this diet, Bai said.


  The 46-day-old calf now follows her wherever she goes. Hindus consider the cow as a sacred animal. Bai said, “God will be pleased if I raise the cow.”
